We are doing our part to get you on the wall while preventing the spread of COVID-19. We are checking the boxes to be Covid Compliant to keep our community healthy and our doors open. We are going above and beyond to follow county and state reopening guidelines. While the gym may look a little different, we are committed to providing the same VH vibes and service.
We are checking the boxes and getting it done, so you can keep climbing and get on with the fun!
These are unprecedented times. We hope that climbing restores normalcy and joy to your daily routine! We see the impact that our closures have had on our climbers, and we understand the meaningful role our community plays in the health and happiness of our members. We also recognize that each climber has their own level of risk tolerance and their own feelings on risk management. Like you, we are figuring out the beta on operating through a pandemic. Thank you for your ongoing patience and support as we work through this together.
In accordance with San Diego County’s risk level, all gyms are operating at a limited capacity.
Before your visit please self screen for signs of illness. All who enter the facility must be healthy and free of virus symptoms. Please stay home if you are experiencing sickness (Such as congestion/runny nose, coughing, loss of taste, fever, fatigue.)
All staff will be screened for symptoms and temperatures will be taken before the start of each shift.
Our staff has been trained on reopening protocol and is here to ensure proper social distancing and cleaning procedures.
This includes routine disinfection of *high touch areas and deep cleaning of the facility. (This includes: Cubbies, counter tops, knobs/handles, railings, belay devices, and fitness equipment.)
PPE (masks, gloves, etc.) will be used by our staff at all necessary times.
Hand sanitation is available throughout the gym.
Sanitizing supplies and/or staff cleaning is available at all times for fitness equipment.
Available rental climbing gear will be sanitized or “quarantined” after use.
Thank you for doing your part! The following applies to all visitors and must be practiced for gym entry and use.
First stop is front desk for Check-In and gym entry.
Wash/sanitize hands BEFORE gym activities.
Practice social distancing of 6ft from one another at all times. Off and on the wall, with the exclusion of climbers in the same household.
Climbers should distance themselves one full top rope lane from an active climber. (Only every other rope may be climbed to maintain at least 6ft distancing.)
Face masks - Must be worn at all times.
Wash/sanitize hands AFTER completing your gym activities.
Last stop is front desk to Check-Out at the end of your visit.
Yay, the gym is open! But for the time being we must limit our offerings. The following services and amenities are unavailable until further notice. Thank you for your patience. *We are in this together*
All yoga, fitness, health and climbing classes. This does not include belay lessons to active members.
Access to water fountains. Please bring personal bottles pre-filled. Water bottles are available for purchase.
Access to locker room showers.
Birthday parties and group events.